Sunday, August 18, 2019
bowling report Essay -- essays research papers
Bowling Report Bowling has a long and rich history, and today is one of the most popular sports in the world. A British anthropologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, discovered in the 1930's a collection of objects in a child's grave in Egypt that appeared to him to be used for a crude form of bowling. If he was correct, then bowling traces its ancestry to 3200 BC. A German historian, William Pehle, asserted that bowling began in his country about 300 AD. There is substantial evidence that a form of bowling was in vogue in England in 1366, when King Edward III allegedly outlawed it to keep his troops focused on archery practice. And it is almost certain that bowling was popular during the reign of Henry VIII. By this time, too, there were many variations of "pin" games, and also of games where a ball was thrown at objects other than pins. This would seem to imply that the games had developed over time, from an earlier period. One of the most eccentric games is still found in Edinburgh. The player swings a fingerless ball between his legs and heaves it at the pins. In doing so, he "flops" onto the lane on his stomach. There were and still are many variations of ninepins in Western Europe. Likely related are the Italian bocce, the French petanque, and British lawn bowling. Undoubtedly, the English, Dutch and German settlers all imported their own variations of bowling to America. The earliest mention of it in serious American literature is by Washington Irving, when Rip Van Winkle awakens to the sound of "crashing ninepins". The first permanent American bowling location probably was for lawn bowling, in New York's Battery area. Now the heart of the financial district, New Yorkers still call the small plot Bowling Green. The game had its ups and downs in America. An 1841 Connecticut law made it illegal to maintain "any ninepin lanes", probably because bowling was the object of much gambling. But the problem, of course, also evidenced its popularity. Also, many captains of industry chose to install a lane in their mansions. While it is uncertain where the tenpin game evolved, by the late 1800s it was prevalent in many states such as New York, Ohio and as far "west" as Illinois. However, details like ball weights and pin dimensions varied by region. But that changed when restauranteur Joe Thum fin... ...h (final) frame, they are allowed two more deliveries. If a player makes a spare in the tenth frame, they are allowed one more delivery. Generally, the scorecards are marked with symbols to say what happened. A strike is marked by X A spare is marked by / A miss (where no pins were scored from a ball) by a - A foul is marked by F A number states how many pins were scored. There are two boxes per frame for each ball, except the final frame, which has three boxes, to allow for a strike or spare in the final frame. The score adds up throughout the ten frames to provide the finishing score. Career opportunities There are many careers directly or indirectly connected to bowling. Being a professional Bowler is the most obvious career opportunity, and probably the one with the best chance to get rich. Another way to work with bowling would be as a bowling coach or trainer. As a member of the ABA or ABC you can get involved in national bowling issues without actually practicing the sport. Strike Ten offers many job indirectly related to bowling. Strike Ten is the centralized marketing, management, television and licensing company for the bowling industry in the United States.
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