Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Apply Ethical Principals International Perspective
Question: Portray about the Apply Ethical Principals for International Perspective. Answer: Situation 1 1 the key moral rules that should be considered in reacting are regarded more youthful workers, regard the relationship with her kin or guardians. In addition, comprehend the current circumstance of workers and help her in the troublesome circumstance by reacting as the business of the association (Managing legitimate and moral standards, 2009). 2 as per Fair Work Act 2009, there are some key bits of enactment and legitimate principals are should be viewed as, for example, the natural individuals of representatives ought to be taken as a notable individual, cautiously watch the essential prerequisites of those individuals. 3 there are different sorts of WHS issues are clarified in numerous kinds of exploration. As indicated by the case situation, the time of more youthful sibling of Tily was 8 along these lines, for some specific viewpoints wellbeing issues ought to be estimated. For instance, get him far from electronic devices at the working environment, give sterile food and water to keep away from medical issues. 4 as indicated by the Clients activity strategy manual security' part, some critical viewpoints should be followed, for example, an office incorporates different sorts of electrical things, and the authority cautions each representative to keep up wellbeing and stay away from peril. Also, World Health and Safety (WHS) incorporates fire wellbeing that is significant for this situation. 5 the moves which would be made that are, as a matter of first importance, keep the kid in a protected room which doesn't have any electronic gadget, no hurting hardware. An individual consistently watches the action of that youngster and furnish updates to Tily with respects (Colvin, 2014). Situation 2 1 the key rules that should be considered in reacting are helped the customers in the event that they face trouble. As indicated by the case situation, one staff who has a vehicle offers to drop the customer at home. Meanwhile, no different options are accessible at that specific spot. 2 as per case situation, customers need to organize their vehicle after the occasion however at 12 PM no different vehicles were accessible at that place. In this way, thinking about some lawful principals, staff offered the customer to drop home, and the responsible for the occasion should give authorization. 3 there are no WHS issue should be considered on the grounds that the circumstance was made on the side of the road. Then again, there was no Work Health and Safety issues were separated in that circumstance. An individual who lives 5 km away needs transport to arrive at home (Colvin, 2014). 4 Clients activity strategy manual wellbeing part isn't pertinent with this case situation since it was a totally unique circumstance where a customer needs transport to arrive at home at 12 PM where no other elective vehicles were accessible. Other than that, security issues with respect to driving are likewise significant (Rome, Hoechstetter, Wolf-Branigin, 2010). 5 as a matter of first importance, the responsible for the occasion ought to request that staff help out the customer. From that point onward, a staff himself requested assistance, yet the standard was the organization doesn't regularly move for customers. Moreover, customers need to deal with own vehicle yet as indicated by case situation, one staff part offers to drop the customer home. The in control ought to permit that staff to help the client(Skinner Rukavina, 2003). Situation 3 1 the moral key rules that should be considered are the recognizable proof of those customers who subtly abuse the web for individual diversion. From that point onward, give an away from to stop every one of these kinds of exercises. Else they may lose the agreement. 2 there are no particular lawful standards saw for this situation. Aside from that, so as to make sure about the privileges of ladies representatives, the customers ought not utilize the web for their own explanation. Besides, the administration ought to watch the movement of customers while they are utilizing the web. 3 Work wellbeing and Safety incorporates a few issues which are assuming a huge job for this situation, for example, cybercrime by means of the web. One of the significant security issues is that guarantee the notoriety of female representatives who may feel awkward while customers sent and got exceptionally sexual nature and bare pictures (Plaisance, 2009). 4 the Clients activity strategy manual online networking and strategy manage incorporates a few kinds of strategy and enactment about the internet based life. Besides, as per the activity strategy, the customers should make the work environment awkward by utilizing the internet based life (Abramson, 2010). 5 there are some huge and pertinent moves should be made, for example, give a reasonable admonition about the entire outcomes. Utilize exceptionally made sure about application which can obstruct the sites including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, and so forth. Additionally, so as to work with no peril, the administration ought to follow the rules. References Abramson, P. (2010).Sex intrigue. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Colvin, A. (2014). Book Review: Rediscovering Collective Bargaining: Australia's Fair Work Act in International Perspective.ILR Review,67(1), 274-276. https://dx.doi.org/10.1177/001979391406700113 Overseeing legitimate and moral standards. (2009). Amsterdam. Plaisance, P. (2009).Media morals. Los Angeles: SAGE. Rome, S., Hoechstetter, S., Wolf-Branigin, M. (2010). Testing existing known limits: Empowering Clients for Political Action.Journal Of Policy Practice,9(3-4), 201-219. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15588742.2010.487236 Skinner, B. Rukavina, V. (2003).Event sponsorship. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide Essay Example for Free
The Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide Essay The Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide Of all the dubious points to I could have decided to talk about, the subject of doctor helped demise is one that is by all accounts untouchable, even to date. Oregon is the main state to effectively pass a bill sanctioning the training; this bill is known as the Death With Dignity Act (DWDA). Some may befuddle doctor helped demise with killing, yet they are two totally various acts. Killing requires a doctor, or other substance, to oversee a destructive mixture; doctor helped passing is in line with an in critical condition quiet, the specialist gives a medicine of deadly prescription which the patient takes willingly when they choose the opportunity has arrived. The sanctioning of doctor helped self destruction will open up only one more choice for patients experiencing terminal diseases and permit them to pass on with a little respect. In critical condition patients donââ¬â¢t have a ton of alternatives, most endure significantly on an everyday premise. The expansion of only one more alternative to such a short rundown can do a great deal to mentally comfort a patient. In his paper ââ¬Å"Physician-Assisted Death in the United States: Are the Existing Last Resorts Enough?â⬠Timothy E. Plume diagrams a few parts of doctor helped passing, explicitly the way that critically ill patients need the same number of choices as they can get. At death's door patients endure a lot; they realize that in the long run they will bite the dust. He expresses that there are ââ¬Å"several ââ¬Ëlast resortââ¬â¢ choices, including forceful agony the board, prior life-continuing treatments, willfully halting eating and drinking, and sedation to obviousness [â⬠¦]â⬠(17-22). A portion of the recommended final retreat techniques appear to be no better than doctor helped self destruction. Take, for instance, the technique for deliberately halting eating and drinking (VSED); for a patient, who is now experiencing the incessant torment of sickness, is it reasonable for solicit them to include the experiencing willful craving and parchedness? Sedation to obviousness is by all accounts no better of an answer; the patient is placed into a torpid state until they in the long beyond words. This arrangement appears to facilitate the enduring of the patient, yet broaden the enduring of the family. Beside VSED and sedation, to swear off life-supporting treatments is by all accounts no better. On the off chance that a patient is as of now experiencing palliative consideration to treat side effects that are making them endure, why stop the treatment and increment the enduring instead of endâ the languishing once and over all? Plume proceeds to talk about the way that the decisions accessible to an in critical condition persistent are scarcely any that there ought to be no mischief in adding only one more to the short rundown. For instance, Quill expresses that ââ¬Å"some patients will require an exit plan, and discretionarily denying one significant alternative of patients whose choices are so constrained appears unfairâ⬠(17-22). Plume points out that a patient experiencing a terminal ailment will need an exit plan; not really an exit from life, however an exit from the torment. There are not many alternatives for somebody with incessant misery, as help is hard to obtain for somebody who is biting the dust. Doctor helped self destruction is only one of these choices, and itââ¬â¢s an alternative that ought not be ignored. What's more, Quill goes further to express that the alternative of doctor helped self destruction is just a choice, only one decision a patient can make about their own human services. ââ¬Å"Most patients will be consoled by the chance of a getaway, and by far most will never need to initiate that possibilityâ⬠(17-22). This is an extremely incredible statement, as it deli vers the purpose of sanctioning doctor helped self destruction doesnââ¬â¢t imply that the demonstration will bring about a lot of passings. The legitimization of the demonstration will essentially add one greater chance to the rundown of last-resorts accessible to a patient. The statement likewise ventures to state that most by far of patients will essentially be consoled that, should every other choice be depleted, there is as yet the chance of a last getaway; never really expecting to utilize it, should palliative consideration and hospice get the job done in controlling the manifestations of affliction. With the models gave, we can see that the requirement for legitimizing doctor helped passing is significant for patients who experience the ill effects of day today. Opening only one more choice, when there are scarcely any to browse, will give the patients a feeling of consolation that they can in any case have power over their lives. Doctor helped passing is proposed if all else fails choice; denying the patient a last break, when every other choice have been depleted, is unjustifiable. Presently that weââ¬â¢ve set up that an in critical condition patient will profit by realizing that they have the alternative of a last getaway, letââ¬â¢s talk regarding why a patient would fall back on utilizing doctor helped self destruction. Among the most reasonable motivations to end oneââ¬â¢s life, the idea of a conclusion to enduring rings a bell. Nonetheless, we definitely realize that finish of-life palliative consideration is instituted so as to helpâ ease the misery and agony of a terminal ailment. This is valid, however when is excessively? Returning to Timothy Quill, he expresses that ââ¬Å"there will consistently be a little level of situations where enduring once in a while turns out to be unsatisfactorily serious [â⬠¦]â⬠(17-22). While enduring is a steady, there are a few degrees of torment; now and again this enduring can be effectively controlled with palliative consideration and forceful torment the board. Notwithstanding, Quill takes note of that there are times where the enduring can't be handily controlled, and there comes a moment that it turns out to be essentially unsatisfactory. When enduring arrives at this point, it is the ideal opportunity for a patient to begin contemplating fina l retreat alternatives; searching for an approach to end the anguish. A patient living with terminal disease is, no ifs, ands or buts, languishing. Palliative consideration and hospice care are programs established with no aim other than to lighten the torment. In her article ââ¬Å"Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: There is an Alternativeâ⬠, Sylvia Dianne Ledger depicts enduring all things considered, ââ¬Å"It happens when an individual sees the approaching demolition of themselves, and it is related with lost hopeâ⬠(81-94). This depiction of human enduring is great when attempting to advocate a conclusion to said languishing. Record expresses that an individual endures when they sense their own decimation, when they understand that their end is close. Confronting oneââ¬â¢s own mortality isn't a simple activity. The idea of being not able to stop your own destruction can, surely, cause incredible anguish. Record ventures to state that this acknowledgment of oneââ¬â¢s own mortality is related with lost expectation, a feeling of depression. Alongside lost expectation, there are a few reasons why a patient would p ick doctor helped self destruction if all else fails choice. In an article titled ââ¬Å"The Case for Physician-Assisted Suicide: How can it Possibly be Proven?â⬠from the Journal of Medical Ethics, E Dahl and N Levy report that, as indicated by Oregonââ¬â¢s Death With Dignity Act, ââ¬Å"the most oftentimes revealed purposes behind picking doctor helped demise under the DWDA are ââ¬Ëloss of autonomyââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëloss of dignityââ¬â¢, and ââ¬Ëloss of the capacity to appreciate the exercises that make life worth livingââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (335-338). This report takes note of that the top purposes behind a patient to pick doctor helped self destruction as the last alternative donââ¬â¢t even incorporate a departure from the physical agony. Being in critical condition makes life just un-charming. The main explanation given for doctor helped passing is lost self-sufficiency. To lose the capacity to haveâ control over oneââ¬â¢s life can be mentally wrecking. The loss of poise and the capacity to appreciate life came in intently behind to balance the main three explanations behind needing passing as a last departure. At the point when palliative consideration doesnââ¬â¢t adequately facilitate the torment experienced every day, final hotel alternatives ought to be made accessible to a patient. At the point when constant agony and disease remove oneââ¬â¢s capacity to appreciate life, remove oneââ¬â¢s poise, and remove the human right of self-governance, a choice to end the languishing once and over all ought to be made a ccessible. Indeed, even the wiped out have the right to keep up some similarity to their previous selves and bite the dust with a little poise. The individuals who are against doctor helped self destruction have a legitimate contention, there are consistently choices to ease enduring and control side effects. Both hospice and palliative consideration are practical alternatives on account of at death's door patients. While examining elective alternatives to doctor helped self destruction and willful extermination, Sylvia Dianne Ledger talks about how far finish of-life care programs have come in helping the at death's door adapt to their sickness. She takes note of that ââ¬Å"with the ascent of the hospice development and the accessibility of its information and involvement with the control of troubling manifestations in fatal malady, there is not, at this point any genuine sign for euthanasiaâ⬠(81-94). Record noticed that the two types of end-of-life care have improved incredibly throughout the years, turning out to be increasingly more suitable when thinking about finish of-life choices. She takes note of that they h ave improved in simple entry, getting progressively accessible to patients through repayment programs due their developing prominence. Hospice and palliative consideration are not just more effectively open to patients with a requirement for end-of-life treatment, however their method of conveyance has gotten increasingly proficient; medical attendants would now be able to come to nursing homes, clinics, even patient homes, so as to give care explicit to each patientââ¬â¢s needs. While these projects keep on improving the nature of care they give, Ledger noticed that they additionally r
Monday, August 3, 2020
Cover Trend That One Serif Font
Cover Trend That One Serif Font I love me a good book cover trend. This is one youve seen everywhere. Its similar to the big cover trend of 2018, outlined by Literary Hub, but with one tweak. Instead of a big, bold sans-serif font on a vibrant background, these have a serif font on a solid background. Simple. Gorgeous. Its a good trend, Brent. The majority of the books with this treatment are non-fiction by and about white women, with a few exceptions. If you flip through a list of feminist works of 2018, a good chunk of them will fit this cover trend. I guess its a ~girly~ look? Its also the go-to font for a lot of fashion blogs right now. It seems like the trend got started in 2017, with these two: The Girl in the Show: Three Generations of Comedy, Culture, Feminism by Anna Fields Sex Rage by Eve Babitz But THEN 2018 happened, and, hoo boy, have we got a lot of them. Lets take a gander. Also, sorry (not sorry) in advance, but you will be finding this cover trend everywhere now. Black Swans by Eve Babitz Conscience: A Novel by Alice Mattison The Dakota Winters by Tom Barbash Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession by Alice Bolin Dictionary Stories: Short Fictions and Other Findings by Jez Burrows Feminasty: The Complicated Womans Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death by Erin Gibson From the Corner of the Oval by Beck Dorey-Stein Horse: A Novel by Talley English MI5 and Me: A Coronet Among the Spooks by Charlotte Bingham Man with a Seagull on His Head by Harriet Paige Penis Envy and Other Bad Feelings: The Emotional Costs of Everyday Life by Mari Ruti Putney by Sofka Zinovieff She Called Me Woman: Nigerias Queer Women Speak, edited by Azeenarh Mohammed, Chitra Nagarajan, ?Aisha Salau Small Fry by Lisa Brennan-Jobs Someone Has Led This Child to Believe: A Memoir by Regina Louise Tell Me Lies by Carola Lovering Unwifeable: A Memoir by Mandy Stadtmiller Note that I *do* work in book design, but Im not, like, super savvy in the world of typefaces, so dont @ me about these not all being exactly Bodoni Old Style Bold. THEYRE CLOSE. Other book trends this year: floral fiction, ultra violet YA, and the art of YA book titles.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
domestic and foreign policies of Napoleon Bonaparte
Nancy Tomka Napoleonââ¬â¢s Domestic and Foreign Policies Prior to the 1700s, King Louis XVI got in power. He married Maria Antoinette. She is the daughter of Katherine the Great from Russia. While the king and the queen were enjoying their life in the palace of Versailles, people outside the palace had difficulties finding bread. The French Revolution took place with the lead of Robespierre. During the French Revolution, the French got fed up with outrageous taxes the monarchy made. It was so bad that the peasant could barely pay for a loaf of bread, so they started to break into stores and steal, burning places down and going against the kings orders. They ended up killing the king and queen, and that is when Napoleon Bonaparteâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The legion was a superior group, similar to nobility, but Napoleon of course never called it that because he wanted to convince the general public that the idea of equality was still relevant. Bonaparte thought he could not gain power by only changing France, but he looked outside Europe. He wanted to gain territories and expand his lands. He created new diplomatic system that he started conquering many countries, and created republics in Italy, the Low Countries, and in Switzerland. Napoleon created the 35 state Confederation of the Rhine after defeating Austria, and abolishing the Holy Roman Empire. Bonaparteââ¬â¢s first great mistake to be seen as an unenlightened despot was the Continental System. The continental system was a foreign policy. It was basically a strict restriction against British trade. Napoleonââ¬â¢s reason to such bizarreness was to attempt an invasion on the UK, and to defeat the Royal Navy at sea. He did not accomplish these attempts. Napoleon then had the European nation under his full control; this only led to a very large debt. His effect of this was very bad. Food imports in Britain dropped, and mainly the price of foods increased. This forced the Britainââ¬â¢s to begin smuggling with Continental Europe. But, even so, the continental system was not only affecting Europe and Britain, it was affecting many other nations, and France was on the list. Many industries that relied oversea markets began to decline, as well as buildings, and ropeShow MoreRelatedNapoleons Lack of Leadership Skills Essay1121 Words à |à 5 Pages During his life, Napoleon Bonaparte was a fantastic strategist and military leader. However, he made quite a few mistakes that led him to his fall from power. Through his catastrophic blunders, Napoleon brought about his own downfall. These mistakes included ostracizing France from the rest of Europe through his foreign policies, war mistakes, and oversights that occurred in his final years in power. Because of Napoleonââ¬â¢s errors, he exhausted Franceââ¬â¢s resources and reduced his alliesRead MoreNapoleons Collapse Essay2767 Words à |à 12 Pagesreasons why the empire collapsed A. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
What Was Hurricane Katrina Essay - 675 Words
We are storm veterans. Hurricanes come along every late summer and fall in New Orleans. It is part of life in the Gulf Coast. You make sure you always have emergency supplies handy. You have a storm shelter, or a plan to get together with friends and family someplace safe. Hurricanes are just a thing we deal with around here. It is true, we could have evacuated. We heard the serious storm warnings for Katrina. We also heard that the streets were piled up with people trying to leave. We would be lucky to get out anyway. So we decided to stay with some friends. We would ride out the storm together, like always. We gathered in a house that was on high ground. It was at least a mile from the beach. We made sure we had fresh water,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦When the tropical wave got close to the Bahamas late on August 22, 2005, it became a tropical depression. That means the storm had a closed movement. And it had winds of about 25 miles per hour. About two days later, the storm had winds of about 40 miles per hour. It also showed rain and thunderstorm activity. It was at this point that the little storm was named Tropical Storm Katrina. If Katrina developed an interior eye and winds of at least 74 miles per hour, it would earn hurricane status. And it could become capable of causing a lot of damage if it came to shore. Storms like Katrina can be tracked and measured by satellite, radar, aircraft, and other means. The NOAA National Hurricane Centers study the behavior and paths of every storm they spot. Their main job is to provide an early weather warning system. Then people can be prepared for what might be coming their way. As a hurricane matures, it can get stronger. Its growth and strength depend on different environmental factors. It also matters how close the hurricane is to land. Meteorologists use a scale to measure hurricanes. The scale is based on the storms wind speed and interior pressure. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Art George Washington Free Essays
The reason is because it is a portrait of a person it cannot have parts hat correspondent to one another; they are not equal. When I mean not equal, I mean if you fold the painting in half the painting is not alike both sides are different. The portrait has symbolic meaning behind it because he was our first president and in the portrait he is surrounded with objects of his public life during the service of his country. We will write a custom essay sample on Art George Washington or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now analyzing the painting more thoroughly, one can notice his clothing attire was suitable for his position in power, since he was the president of the United States of America. The suit symbolizes a switch toa public fgure from general to president. The sheathed sword is ceremonial; it distinguished him as a ââ¬Å"fine gentlemenâ⬠and is symbolic in a sense because it distinguished him as being head of state. i The subject matter of this portrait is George Washington, who is posing as the first president. The reason I was drawn to him is because he is our first President and I wanted to do a piece on a famous person that everyone in the United States knows. I believe that the artwork is placed perfectly; after all, it is in the American wing of the useum alongside other political paintings. This is the first painting of George Washington however; the original Lansdowne is not in the museum. The original one was done in 1796. The name of the portrait comes from William Petty, the first Maqguis of Lansdowne who was a British supporter of American independence. Gilbert Stuart painted numerous copies of this famous piece, one of which was made for Ms. William Bingham of Pennsylvania and another is the one displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The portrait shows the movement of the ratification of he Jay Treaty and the transatlantic political alliance brought together during George Washingtonââ¬â¢s second term. ââ¬Ë Similar material painted around this time in 1817 was John Trumbullââ¬â¢s oil canvas ââ¬Å"Declaration of Independence,â⬠located in the United States Capitol Rotunda. ii Gilbert Stuart was a renowned artist who was known for capturing the inner character, which he believed was reflected in their physical features. He believed Washington features indicated a man with great passion. ââ¬Ë The George Washington portrait brought Gilbert Stuart fame. This period in time a person like George Washington would give the artist more sitters. iii In addition, reproducing this portrait gave Stuart more money, either painting it wit n his own two hands or having engravers paint it, which he held the copyright to as well. This portrait is a key turning point for Gilbert Stuart that made him a successful artist. ââ¬Å"He is surrounded with allegorical emblems of his public life in the service of his country, which are highly illustrative of the great and tremendous storms which have requently prevailed. v These storms have abated, and the appearance of the rainbow is introduced in the background as a sign. â⬠â⬠Advertisement for the first exhibition of the Lansdowne portrait in 1798 ââ¬Å"Lansdowne Portrait retains a place of special significance within the history of American art. ââ¬Å"- Dr. Bryan Zygmont. v As you can see from the historians/critics they concur that the artwork is a famous portrait in history. The artwork i s a contention of being the best artwork in American History. How to cite Art George Washington, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Populist Movement The Value Of Third Parties free essay sample
Government ownership of railroads, telephones and telegraphs Tariff reduction Direct election of senators Secret ballot Postal savings bank Immigration restrictions Initiative and referendum Single term presidency Substructures plan to help finance farmers at harvest time. 6. To what extent did Populists continue to focus on grievances of earlier movements? The Greenback Party of the sass pushed for inflation based on free silver, and they worked for regulation, if not public ownership, of the railroads as was called for by the Grange movement and the Farmers Alliance. What percent of the total popular vote in 1892 did each party get? Republicans (44%), Democrats (47%), Populists (9%) 7. How do these percentages explain why the Democrats adopted several Populist planks and nominated the Populist candidate as their own nominee in 1896? The Populist vote of nearly 9 percent in the 1892 election attracted the attention of both major political parties. However, the Republicans were philosophically further removed from the Populists and would have been less likely to adopt their positions. We will write a custom essay sample on The Populist Movement The Value Of Third Parties or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Populist vote, cast as a bloc, could have altered the outcome of the 1892 election. This is a point the Democrats noted in the national convention of 1896. 8. How did William Jennings Brans Cross of Gold speech prove to be both a strength h and a weakness of the Populists? Brans rousing and emotional speech became a rallying cry for many Populists and Democrats; on the other hand, his narrow approach to solving problems of the disgruntled undoubtedly cost him many other votes. 9. How did Republicans try to project universal appeal in their 1896 platform?The Republicans offered pluralism to the American people; every occupation, elision, industry and section would receive fair treatment under the protective tariff; farmers grievances would be considered and corrective action taken. 10. What role might each of the following have played in the outcome of the election of 1896? A. The Panic of 1893 occurred during a Democratic administration and hurt the party cause. B. The large Republican campaign chest permitted far more campaign activities than the Democrats could afford. C. Without the secret ballot, many factory workers felt intimidated to vote as their employers desired. 1 .Study the cartoon and answer the following questions . Why did these groups come together to form a single party? All had complaints against the system that neither political party addressed; all represented lower economic groups who felt the government should control (or even own) major businesses. B. How does the cartoon explain weaknesses of the Populist coalition? Although they shared an opposition to big business, they could not agree on solution Laborers, for example, did not favor inflation as the farmers wanted; farmers wanted an income tax, while socialists wanted government ownership, not regulation, of big business.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Definition and Examples of Writers Block
Definition and Examples of Writers Block à Writers block is a condition in which a skilled writer with the desire to write finds herself unable to write. The expression writers block was coined and popularized by American psychoanalyst Edmund Bergler in the 1940s.In other ages and cultures, says Alice Flaherty in The Midnight Disease, writers were not thought to be blocked but straightforwardly dried up. One literary critic points out that the concept of writers block is peculiarly American in its optimism that we all have creativity just waiting to be unlocked.See Examples and Observations below. Also see: 12 Quick Tips for Beating Writers BlockWriters on Writing: Overcoming Writers BlockComposing My First College Essay, by Sandy KlemHow to Avoid Writing, by Robert BenchleyHow to Write 2,500 Words Before Breakfast Every DayJohn McPhees Remedy for Writers BlockRobert Pirsig on Overcoming Writers BlockA Trick for Overcoming Writers Block and Getting Into a Writing Frame of MindWriters on Writing: The Myth of Inspiration Examples and Observations You dont know what it is to stay a whole day with your head in your hands trying to squeeze your unfortunate brain so as to find a word.(Gustave Flaubert, 1866)Why is suffering a major criterion for writers block? Because someone who is not writing but not suffering does not have writers block; he or she is merely not writing. Such times may instead be fallow periods for the development of new ideas, periods Keats famously described as delicious diligent indolence.(Alice W. Flaherty, The Midnight Disease: The Drive to Write, Writers Block, and the Creative Brain. Houghton Mifflin, 2004)Although it can be triggered by any number of internal or external stimuli, the vital function that writers block performs during the creative process remains constant: inability to write means that the unconscious self is vetoing the program demanded by the conscious ego.(Victoria Nelson, On Writers Block. Houghton Mifflin, 1993)I think writers block is simply the dread that you are going to write som ething horrible.(Roy Blount, Jr.) William Staffords Remedy for Writers BlockI believe that the so-called writing block is a product of some kind of disproportion between your standards and your performance. . . .Well, I have a formula for this that may just be a gimmicky way of explaining it. Anyway, it goes like this: one should lower his standards until there is no felt threshold to go over in writing. Itââ¬â¢s easy to write. You just shouldnââ¬â¢t have standards that inhibit you from writing.(William Stafford, Writing the Australian Crawl. University of Michigan Press, 1978) Eminem on Writers BlockFallin asleep with writers block in the parking lot of McDonalds,But instead of feeling sorry for yourself do something about it.Admit you got a problem, your brain is clouded, you pouted long enough.(Eminem, Talkin 2 Myself. Recovery, 2010) Stephen King on Writers Block- There may be a stretch of weeks or months when it doesnt come at all; this is called writers block. Some writers in the throes of writers block think their muses have died, but I dont think that happens often; I think what happens is that the writers themselves sow the edges of their clearing with poison bait to keep their muses away, often without knowing they are doing it. This may explain the extraordinarily long pause between Joseph Hellers classic novel Catch-22 and the follow-up, years later. That was called Something Happened. I always thought that what happened was Mr. Heller finally cleared away the muse repellent around his particular clearing in the woods.(Stephen King, The Writing Life. The Washington Post, October 1, 2006)- [M]y son, fed up with hearing me complain and whine about my illness, gave me a present for Christmas, Stephen Kingââ¬â¢s On Writing. . . . The simple theme of this remarkable book is if you really want to write, then shut yourself in a room, close the door, and WRITE. If you donââ¬â¢t want to write, do something else.(Mary Garden, Writers Block. Absolute Write, 2007) The Trick[Y]ou dont want to face the blank page. Youll do anything to avoid writing. Youll go clean your toilet before you write. So I finally figured it out. Ive done the most writing this year because of a trick Ive figured out. . . . The trick is you gotta find something worse than writing. [Laughing] Thats it. Thats the trick.(Robert Rodriguez, quoted by Charles Ramirez Berg in The Mariachi Aesthetic Goes to Hollywood. Robert Rodriguez: Interviews, ed. by Zachary Ingle. University Press of Mississippi, 2012) The Lighter Side of Writers Block[Writing is] brutal, slogging work, comparable to coal mining, but harder. You never hear coal miners complaining about Coal Miners Block, wherein, try as they might, they simply cant bring themselves to mine another piece of coal. Whereas this kind of tragedy befalls novelists all the time, which is why so many of them are forced to quit working altogether and become university professors.(Dave Barry, Ill Mature When Im Dead. Berkley, 2010)
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
A Definition of Liberal Media Bias
A Definition of Liberal Media Bias Aà Gallup poll found that just 40% of Americans trust the media to fairly and accurately report the news. Much of this has to do with the liberal tilt of news coverage and stories. In politics, conservatives often deal with an overwhelming liberal bias within the mainstream media, which includes the news divisions of major broadcast networks and major newspapers. This is typically just referred to as media bias. Media bias does not refer to the political punditry class as political affiliations are usually known and the commentary is intended as opinion-oriented. Media bias does not refer to media figures such as Rachel Maddow, Bill OReilly, and Al Sharpton who are expected to give political viewpoints. What Is Media Bias?à Media bias refers to the allegedly objective journalists in print and media who intentionally - and sometimes unintentionally - report or cover stories in a way favorable to Democrats and liberals and unfavorable to Republicans and conservatives. Journalists such as Dan Rather, Bob Schieffer, and Wolf Blitzer who portray themselves as pure newsmen could have their biases exposed by delivering one-sided news stories. Dan Rathers attempted takedown of George W. Bush comes to mind. Examples of Media Bias Barack Obama received free passes in both the 2008 and 2012 presidential races as the media was primarily interested in highlighting the historic nature of Obamas campaign. While Sarah Palin was heavily criticized by the media as lacking the experience to be Vice-President, the question was never a major issue with the decidedly less-experienced Obama. In 2012, the media turned every statement by Mitt Romney (dogs on vacation!) into stories that lasted weeks, while at the same time refusing to cover the Fast and Furious scandal or the Benghazi attacks with seriousness. And CNNs Candy Crowley infamously interrupted a debate exchange between Romney and Obama by debating Romney herself on Benghazi. (She was wrong, but the ramifications were huge.) While VP Joe Biden could barely take the stage without making a hysterical gaffe during his tenure, his sanity or competence was never questioned in the way that Dan Quayles was for once adding an e at the end of potato during a spelling bee. That the card was given to Quayle by the school with the incorrect spelling and that Quayle had questioned the spelling on the card is the part of the story the media always enjoys ignoring. While Democrats regularly get softball question and answer sessions from serious journalists, conservatives are usually left answering absurd questions based on absurd assumptions. When a deranged gunman shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords of Arizona, the media had absolutely no problem claiming Sarah Palin was to blame because she once had a map on her website that had used a target on it to imply that it was going to be a competitive congressional race. Unbiased, Fair and Objectiveà The problem with media bias is that the journalist and media personalities are claiming to be unbiased, fair, and objective but typically end up delivering one-sided viewpoints disguised as fact. Many Americans will not look deeper into every issue presented by the media, instead of taking the stories at face value. Any information that might dispel the media bias myths has to be actively sought. Pronunciation: me-di-a bà «Ãâ¢s Also Known As: Mainstream Media; Lamestream media (Sarah Palin); Dinosaur Media (Laura Ingraham) Alternate Spellings: none Common Misspellings: none Examples In a free country, people depend on the media for their information about government and other powerful institutions. If the press sounds the alarm about some danger, people have to pay attention. But if they have lost confidence in the press ââ¬â because of its biases ââ¬â then thereââ¬â¢s a good chance weââ¬â¢ll ignore the warning. And that could be dangerous. - Bernard Goldberg on Media Bias 60 Minutes used to be synonymous with gotcha, and it certainly was when it broke the Abu Ghraib story to hurt Bush in 2004, and when Dan Rather flaunted fake Texas Air National Guard documents to hurt Bush months later. In the 2008 election cycle, ââ¬Å"60 Minutesâ⬠asked John McCain why he would let the Wall Street executives sail away on their yachts and leave this [bailout] on the American taxpayer? They hammered Romney about avoiding military service ââ¬â and his five sons avoiding military service. Kroft has never asked Obama about his failure to serve in the military, and he certainly never asked about whether he had premarital sex with his wife ââ¬â which Mike Wallace threw at Romney. - Brent Bozell
Monday, February 17, 2020
Social Influence- Organization Behavior Case Study
Social Influence- Organization Behavior - Case Study Example à This is particularly true if the super-powerful leader becomes the organizationââ¬â¢s brand, as observed in the case of Oprah Winfrey. Most stakeholders may, therefore, support the organization because of her presence and image and should these fade, the stakeholders would withdraw their support irrespective of the nature of a new leader. Another danger of a single super-powerful leader in an organization is limited room for growth of other leaders. This is because of actual lack of growth opportunities as the leader assumes most responsibility or because other leaders may feel inferior and shy away from assuming challenging responsibilities. Another potential danger of the arrangement is negative effects of inefficiencies of the powerful leader because such inefficiencies may go unchallenged, and the effects uncorrected. Since it is associated with centralized management, a single power center is likely to threaten advantages of decentralization such as high level of commitment and communication among employees (Gupta 138). Winfrey might ensure her succession through three strategies: rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, and consultation. Rational persuasion might help her to convince stakeholders that perceived power gap between her and other leaders is not real. In succeeding in this, Oprah might ensure that all stakeholders, especially other leaders in the organization, are acceptable and have equal opportunities to succeed her. This might also develop a sense of equality between her and other leaders to make the leaders acceptable should her personality fade or she leaves the organization. The inspirational appeal is another effective way in which Oprah might ensure effective succession because of possible effects of grooving new leaders who can rise to take her place and, like her, develop their ownà brands that command an audience.Ã
Monday, February 3, 2020
How do you see this issue affecting New York City in the next Five Term Paper
How do you see this issue affecting New York City in the next Five Years - Term Paper Example These grants are meant to cut outlay by a third. This must have ensued after the former president Bill Clinton stated in his convention speech that Medicaid expenditure on the elderly accounts for over a third. This new bill proposed by the republicans will permit states to change the minimum eligibility, canons of care, as well as federal rules, which now safeguard adult children from being charged for their seniorsââ¬â¢ Medicare. The official election may resolve Medicaidââ¬â¢s future. Nevertheless, many federations challenged with escalating Medicaid rates and budget shortfalls are now trying to cutback the budget of lifetime care by greatly altering Medicare coverage by using federal waivers. Waivers taken or obtained by twenty six states, comprising California, New York, Illinois, Texas and Illinois, would affect nearly three million persons, most of who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Lastly, the suggest that plans vary; nonetheless, typically they attempt to cut down costs by offering private managed-care establishments a fixed figure for a long term of care from hospital visits and doctor to nursing home settlement to aid at home, supposing that adequate care will occur in less costly settings. Hospice and Its Costs June 27, 2011, 1:14 pm By The New York Times This article provides an insight on the fact that hospice care bill is increasing at an astounding pace, and it has stimulated charges that most benefactors, especially commercial corporations which are incongruously enrolling patients. This, according to the article, can be explained by moving of hospice into the mainstream where it is currently serving about 1.1 million Medicaid patients annually. This has resulted in mounted concerns concerning excessive costs and misappropriation. The article claims that for the 28 + years that Medicare has recompensed benefactors for hospice provisions, it has, however, been acclaimed for providing critical health and emotional aid to dying patients as well as their families. Proper use of hospice care can save the government money. Studies have revealed that affording dying patients comforting care within their own households, or within a hospice institution
Sunday, January 26, 2020
An Overview Of Societal Marketing Marketing Essay
An Overview Of Societal Marketing Marketing Essay The notion of societal marketing implies that an organization exists not only to satisfy customer wants but also to preserve or enhance individuals and societys long-term best interests. (Lamb, 1997 Page 9). This concept holds that the organization should determine the needs, wants and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves the customers and societys well-being.(Kotler, 2006, Page 22). According to Kotler (2006, p 15-16), the societal marketing concept represents the highest level of evolution in marketing philosophies. This philosophy evolved from earlier hierarchal philosophies of product, production, selling and marketing. Kotler (1972, 1977b, 2006) suggests that the societal marketing concept encapsulates a more enlightened marketing philosophy which attempts to harmonize the goals of business to the occasionally conflicting goals of society. The concept of societal marketing is based upon a vital proposition that wants of the consumers do not always concur with their or societys long-run interests. Therefore, marketers should place the importance on long-run consumer and societal well being (Kotler, 1977b). Consequently, the societal marketing concept endorses and justifies the social responsibility of business in the society and refutes Friedmans notorious statement that the social responsibility of business is to make a profit (Friedman, 1962). The concept of societal marketing was catalyzed by the consumerism movements of later half of 20th century (Winsor, 1999). For the first seven decades of the 20th century, marketing was purely considered a business activity and it was almost unimaginable that marketing could be regarded as anything but a business activity until late 60s. Lazer (1969, P3) sparked the foundation of a new marketing concept by stating that marketing must not only serve business but also the goals of the society and that the contribution of the marketing extends beyond the formal boundaries of the firm. He served the view that marketers cannot be forgetful of individuals and societal norms. This contribution of Lazer was subservient in flourishing the boundaries of marketing from the sole objective of profitability to include intrinsic values of concern for society and the development of people. The work of Kotler and Levy (1969a) led to the broadening of the whole concept of marketing. They asserted that marketing was a pervasive societal activity and suggested that there are great opportunities for marketing people to apply their skills to wide range of social activity. Besides, the wave of consumerism in later half of the 20th century had virtually nullified all the previous marketing concepts. Barksdale and Darden (1971) found out in a survey that a significant circle of scholars and managers believed that the rise in consumerism was an expression of the deficiency of the prevalent marketing concepts. This failure of the marketing concept then sparked the consumerism to became the basis for a revised marketing concept which Kotler (1972) propounded as the replacement to the failed marketing concepts. Therefore, the societal marketing concept was apparently founded upon the leftovers of its predecessors. This is how the concept of societal marketing evolved in the later half of 20th century and progressed into 21st century. In 21st century, most organizations are becoming progressively interested about handling societal issues in marketing to provide benefits to all the stakeholders in the society, including organization, customer as well as society (McAlister Ferrell, 2002; Waddell, 2002;) and there is an increasing trend towards the concept of societal marketing and green consumerism among marketing departments of various organizations (Prothero, 1990). Today customers do not merely choose a product based on product and quality, rather they are keener in brand power and companies that are concerned about society and environment have an impact in customer purchase decision (Fellman, 1999). Societal marketing has grown in popularity and usage within various aspects of society and specific social causes could benefit from societal marketing such as public health, pollution control, mass transit, private education, drug abuse. (Andreasen, 1995; Grier Byrant, 2005; Kotler Zaltman, 1971; Ling, Franklin, Lindsteadt, Gearon, 1992; Siegel Doner, 1998). Various industry surveys conducted over the years have shown positive influence of societal marketing on consumer perception and corporate image (Cone Inc., 2002; Cone Inc., 2008a; Cone Inc., 2008b; Jayne, 2001). It has been found out that given price and quality are same, 75% of consumers exhibit willingness to leave the brands currently under their use and choose to rather buy products from brands that support a charitable cause (Lorge, 1998). In another study, 80% of the consumers favored companies that endorse a charitable cause while 86% were of the view that they would rather switch and purchase a product that supports a cause given that price and quality were equal. Moreover, it has been stated that organizations adopting the societal marketing concept are likely to be more profitable in the long run apart from being beneficial to society as a whole (Abratt Sacks, 1988). Companies that support charity and show concern regarding social issues invoke a better image on the market resulting in a better repute and higher sales (Mason, 1993). Societal marketing offers tremendous opportunities for organizations as well as the society. Several studies indicate that there exist ample market segments that are ready to switch brands for the right cause at the right price. Besides this, there also exist segments that are prepared to switch brands without caring about price and quality. Therefore, it can be stated that corporate image related to promotion of public good and specific causes can wield strong effect on customer behavior (Barone, Miyazaki, Taylor, 2000; Bloom, Hoeffler, Keller, Meza, 2006; Hoek Gendall, 2008). Cause-related marketing is highly implicated in the concept of societal marketing in which organizations extend specific amount of contribution to a certain cause when customers undertake revenue generating exchanges that meet organizational as well as individual objectives (Andreasen, 1996). Therefore, it is reckoned as a variant of societal marketing concept (Kotler, 2000) and implies connecting companys product or service to a relevant social cause for the mutual benefit of the organization and society (Pringle Thompson, 1999). There have been various reported business cases indicating that societal marketing lead to remarkable increase in the revenues and position of organizations (Adkins, 1999; Balabanis, Hugh, Lyall, 1998; Kotler, 2000). Cause-related marketing implies emotional and rational involvement of consumers (Bloom et al., 2006) which renders societal marketing advantageous for the company (Andreasen, 1996; Kotler, 2000). Another concept closely related to the concept of societal marketing is that of corporate social responsibility which includes corporate social actions whose purpose is to satisfy social needs (Brà ¸nn Vrioni, 2001; Moir, 2001). Realizing corporate social responsibility and undertaking cause related marketing is a tool for increasing customer loyalty and building reputation (Brà ¸nn Vrioni, 2001). The change in corporate image attributed to cause-related marketing campaigns appears to depend a great deal on how customers perceive the reasons for companys involvement in cause related programs and the amount of help given to the cause through a companys involvement (Webb Mohr, 1998). The concept of societal marketing and corporate social responsibility is relatively new as discussed above. Existing literature on the subject and observations indicate that this concept is not a common practice in Pakistan and a number of firms have started using this approach only recently. It has been noted that the concept of social responsibility as exhibit in the West is clearly nascent in Pakistan (Ahmad, 2006; Lund-Thomsen, 2004). However, there are external pressures driving the acceptance of societal marketing values and practices in the country and therefore there is recent evidence of substantial corporate socially responsible activity in Pakistan both in the corporate sector. The concern for employee welfare, health, and the environment has been found for Pakistan (Ahmad, 2006). Some of the leading companies in Pakistan practicing societal marketing and corporate social responsibility are Fauji Group, English Biscuit Manufacturers, Barclays, Procter Gamble, Hinopak, ICI Pakistan, Indus Motor Company, Mobilink, PTC, Shell and TetraPak. Despite the enormous growth of societal marketing practices and related concepts across the world, empirical research is still scarce in this subject (Berger, Cunningham, Koziets, 1999), particularly in Pakistan. SIGNIFICANCE RATIONALE The rationale and justification behind this research is that although a significant body of knowledge on societal marketing and corporate image exists, there is very little research on the concept of societal marketing in Pakistan. There are various questions particularly concerning the influence of societal marketing on consumer perceptions of corporate image and their purchase intention and behavior in the context of Pakistan which needs to be investigated through empirical research. Having reviewed the relevant literature, it may be propounded that this is the first research study on the influence of societal marketing on consumer perception of corporate image in the context of Pakistan. Besides, there has been a gap in the literature regarding impact of societal marketing with respect to demography this study will also attempt to disclose the influence of societal marketing efforts on young consumers. Apart from contributions to the theory, this research study will attempt to make practical share to the knowledge of societal marketing for the practitioners of this concept. This research will provide empirical information to marketers so that they take informed decision while applying societal marketing to distinguish themselves from competitors. Organizations may apply the findings to run successful societal marketing campaigns. OBJECTIVES To inquire into the research problem, the specific objectives this study is designed to address are: To understand the extent and nature of societal marketing programs in Pakistan. To estimate the effectiveness of societal marketing campaign of an organization working in Pakistan. To develop a framework for finding impact of societal marketing on attitudes of young consumers regarding corporate image. To have better understanding of demographic factors (gender, age, education level) that influence consumer attitudes toward corporate image. Kotler, Philip; Brown, Linden; Adam Stewart and Armstrong, Gary (2001), Marketing Creating Value, Marketing, 5th Edition, Chapter 1. Prentice Hall Publisher. Brown and Dacin (1997) find evidence to support the contention that a firm regarded as socially responsible will have a more favourable corporate evaluation from customers. Fellman, M. (1999). Cause marketing takes a strategic turn. Marketing News 33(9), 4. , Joseph F. Hair, Carl McDaniel 0 Reviews Cengage Learning, 2007 Business Economics 671 pages Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 4th Edition By Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen, James C. Makens ISBN-10: 0-13-119378-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-119378-9 Published by Prentice Hall à ©Ã 2006 Pub. Date: Jun 29, 2008 Format: Cloth Lorge, S., Brewer, G. (1998). Is cause-related marketing worth it? Sales Marketing Management 150(6), 72. Cone Inc. (2004). 2004 Cone Corporate Citizenship Study. Retrieved March 28, 2007 from www.mybizwarehouse.com/2ndbusiness/2004ConeCorporateCitizenshipStudy.pdf Kotler, Philip; Brown, Linden; Adam Stewart and Armstrong, Gary (2001), Marketing Creating Value, Marketing, 5th Edition, Chapter 1. Prentice Hall Publisher. Robert Winsor, Social Responsibility, Consumerism, and the Marketing Concept. Social responsibility, consumerism, and the marketing concept RD Winsor Southwestern Marketing Association, 1999 Ahmad, S. J. (2006). From principles to practice: Exploring corporate social responsibility in Pakistan. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 24, 115-129. Lund-Thomsen, P. (2004). Towards a critical framework on corporate social and environ-mental responsibility in the South: The case of Pakistan Development, 47(3), 106-113. à · ^ William Lazer, Marketings Changing Social Relationships, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33 (January 1969), pp. 3-9 à · ^ Philip Kotler and Sidney J. Levy, Broadening the Concept of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33 (January 1969), pp. 10-15
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A System of Profound Knowledge
In respect to quality of materials, there are three well known philosophers whom are most referenced: W. Edwards Deming, Philip B. Crosby, and Joseph M. Juran. Throughout the twentieth century, these three men have continuously integrated new systems for improvement in the quality system. The first and probably most well known of these philosophers is W. Edwards Deming. Deming first came into the public eye when he was credited with assisting the Japanese after World War II and helping to elevate the Japanese industry into the forefront of world industry. Deming stresses that the most important part of quality is the role of management. Deming also emphasizes on achieving long term goals through cultural transformation rather then short term needs. Demingâ⬠s findings can be viewed best through his ââ¬Å"System of Profound Knowledge,â⬠and his ââ¬Å"14 Points of Management.â⬠While Deming was continually expanding his research, Philip B. Crosby entered the forefront of quality in the 1970â⬠³s. Crosby has been a consulter as well as a trainer for many leaders in the manufacturing industries. Like Deming, Crosby also has a ââ¬Å"14-Step Pan for Quality Improvement.â⬠Crosbyâ⬠s main focus is first evaluate the quality system and make improvements on the current system. Another of Crosbyâ⬠s main concerns is defects. Crosby emphasizes that the performance standard should be ââ¬Å"zero defects.â⬠The most recent of the philosophers is Joseph M. Juran. In the late 1980â⬠³s Juran founded an institute to consult and train management in quality. In addition to Deming, Juran also visited Japan to assist their industry at the end of World War II. Juranâ⬠s most famous theory of quality is his ââ¬Å"quality trilogy,â⬠which focuses on planning, control and improvement of the quality system. Although Deming, Crosby, and Juran have never collaborated on their work, many similarities are apart in their beliefs. For example, all three men stress the importance of the management system. Also, they have created step-by-step processes by which industries should follow in order to prove the quality of their products. Another important point which is shared by all three men is that quality should be viewed as an entity. Regardless to the fact that all three have based their lives on the ambitious goal of developing a system to improve quality, there are several key differences exist amidst these three quality experts. First and foremost is their definition of quality. Deming uses statistical predictions, basing his entire view of quality on the quality of the process, not the product whereas Crosby and Juran focus more on the customer. Crosby stresses on the conformance of the quality system to the needs of the customer. Juran goes even one stop further, and basis his entire definition of quality on the intended use of each product by the consumer. Another key point in which the men disagree is goal setting. Deming focuses his ideas mainly on long-term goals, where on the contrary, Crosby and Juran state that short-term goals are equally important. After extensively reading the works and ideas by there three experts, it is obvious to see why the have been so successful. Quality is a very important part of the industrial as well as the consumer world, and the need for quality improvement increases everyday.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Basic Facts of Television Essay Topics
The Basic Facts of Television Essay Topics Kids should have the ability to vote. Science programs are beneficial for everybody, especially for kids. Television also teaches individuals how to do things, for example, cooking procedures or the way to conduct professional bodily exercises. Women ought to be fined each time they scream. Teens should be asked to take parenting classes. They should be able to choose their bedtime. What You Should Do to Find Out About Television Essay Topics Before You're Left Behind Recent research proves that the typical American watches over five hours of television each day. Virtually every household in the usa possesses a minimum of a single TV. The educative function of television can't be denied. To begin with, there's the info I can absorb from television. First, it is a great source of providing information and a helpful tool for education. Besides, it can be used for the spread of education. How to Find Television Essay Topics Online The cost of an essay depends upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. Once you get your proposal essay ideas, it's the right time to begin writing. You are able to introduce your thesis statement and that which you're trying to achieve in your paper. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you can counter to your own points. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but be certain to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. Citations and extracts from assorted sources have to be formatted properly. It's possible to consist of secondary sources and share arguments about the topic. Therefore, many students and employees decide to purchase affordable essay rather than writing it themselves. Then compose the principal point or points that you create in each individual paragraph. Following are various sorts of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic according to your need and requirement. As the very first sentence in the third paragraph, it ought to be a topic sentence and ought to outline what the remaining portion of the paragraph will discuss. Use particular reasons and examples to back up your answer. 1 thing that the Internet cannot offer you now is picture transmission. Technology and data often go together. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. It can be challenging to think of a topic off the surface of your head. Recycling and the way that it can save our planet. If you're allowed to freely choose what things to write by yourself, utilize the chance to make something unique. Droz If the money doesn't serve you, it is going to rule over you. An excessive amount of money isn't a good thing. A Secret Weapon for Television Essay Topics Finally, extensive hours of television was linked to depression in lots of people. The info from such broadcasts is extremely significant as one cannot have the ability to know all the present affairs and thus televisions make it simple for folks to keep on top of day to day activities. Television is among the many causes to quite a few major complications in today society. It also allows individuals learn various cultures as it employs people from different cultures within their programs. Every family needs to have a pure disaster survival program. The oldest is a driven, career girls that has a sub career for a mother. Parents ought to be held legally accountable for their sons' and daughters' acts. It's intriguing to determine how the concept of a family change and evolves through the decades. It is preferable to grow up in a family with a lot of brothers and sisters. With the evolution of the media online, there's no future for the radio. Television is developing a new variant of culture The senior classes ought to be profiled Education for boys and girls ought to be separate Many men and women think the ideal way to travel is by car Activity is the sole approach to knowledge The value of education is underestimated now. Gun ownership ought to be tightly controlled. The web has made our life a good deal easier. F. Bacon The main goal of the capital isn't to get as much money as possible, yet to make sure that money produces a better life. A Real Estate company unlike any other centered on the mission of constructing a network of career-minded pros who strive to cultivate their organization and their future.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Punishment Vs Rehabilitation . Life Is Full Of Choices,
Punishment vs Rehabilitation Life is full of choices, and every decision we make comes with consequences. However when someone decides to break the law, society locks them away with other lawbreakers for a duration of time that corresponds to their level of offence. This is what we call prison. We send people to prison to be punished, to prevent them from committing the crime again and to deter others from doing the same. Those are all valid reasons for incarceration, but I believe that after someone has broken the law, the optimal response should be attempting to help them turn away from their criminal lifestyle. There must be a consequence for breaking the law, so trying to get rid of every single prison on Earth is just naà ¯ve; but Iâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This is the case in almost every prison; prisoners join gangs and resort to violence for protection. Without teaching prisoners how to live a moral and ethical lifestyle, all they learn from prison is how to cheat, lie, manipulate and steal. When t heir sentence comes to an end and they are released back into society, they often find themselves jobless and homeless because most employers refuse to hire someone with a criminal record. Without a job, they resort to the only thing they know how to do, crime. Do we really want to be releasing these people back into society? Of course not. We need to invest in rehabilitation and correction for criminals if we want to keep our society safe. Incarceration alone only keeps the criminal away from society for the duration of their sentence, and without rehabilitation, they are bound to repeat their past mistakes. When someone receives a prison sentence, it seems as though society just gives up on them. People see prisoners as evil people who are getting what they rightfully deserve, with no hope of turning their life around. They are locked away from society and due to the pessimistic attitude towards rehabilitation, they are denied the help they need. In the Blue Eyes Experiment, child ren with brown eye were told and treated as if they were inferior to the children with blue eyes; andShow MoreRelatedPunishment vs Rehabilitation1678 Words à |à 7 Pagesï » ¿ Punishment versus Rehabilitation Survey of Justice and Security - AJS/502 March 17, 2014 Arnold Wicker à Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. Punishment is defined as a penalty that is imposed on an individual for doing something wrong. The term rehabilitation is defined as a way to help somebodyRead MoreThe Decision For Transfer A Youth3437 Words à |à 14 Pagesbelieve that the best course of action regarding juvenile offenders is not transferring them to criminal court but rehabilitation ââ¬â these individuals view punishment as a failed strategy for changing behavior, teaching skills, or developing new or more positive attitude and beliefs. While others believe that if they are old enough to do the crime, they should accept the courtââ¬â¢s punishment. Over the years several young offenders have had their cases tried in adult courts, many due to the seriousnessRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is Justified Ess ay1856 Words à |à 8 Pagesdeath penalty have challenged this situation since the beginning of time as for capital punishment and for revenge. Advocates supporting for the death penalty are discouraged because it prevents future murders and prevents future funerals; and that in the death penalty serves as bitter sweet revenge because in a society full of evil, no one cares about the other. Uncertainty that someone takes a life, then their life should end as well. Abolitionist on the other hand is against the death penalty becauseRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is An Example Of Deviant Behavior1974 Words à |à 8 Pagesrational mind when considering whether or not to commit a crime. Then, they are ultimately faced with a choice- to commit the crime or not. But, can the same assumption be justifiably applied to juvenile delinquents? This ââ¬Å"burden of accountabilityâ⬠can be explained by the rational choice theory. This theory proposes the idea that before an individual commits a crime; they are faced with choice that they must rationally respond to (Boudon, 2003). A person is forced to weigh the positives and negativesRead MoreThe Decision For Transfer A Youth3815 Words à |à 16 Pagesbelieve that the best course of action regarding juvenile offenders is not transferring them to criminal court but rehabilitation ââ¬â these individuals view punishment as a failed strategy for changing behavior, teaching skills, or developing new or more positive attitude and beliefs. While others believe that if they are old enough to do the crime, they should accept the courtââ¬â¢s punishment. Over the years several young offenders have had their cases tried in adult courts, many due to the seriousnessRead MorePsychology P1 and M13058 Words à |à 13 Pagesothers such as ââ¬Ëshapeââ¬â¢ behaviour. This theory has 3 different approaches these are; positive reinforcement, punishment and negative reinforcement. The first one is Positive reinforcement this encourages behaviour this could be using praise, attention, pleasure or recognition. This encourages the person to do well as they feel they are achieving something. The second one is punishment this is reducing behaviour for example discomfort, isolation or physical or mental pain. Although this may workRead MoreEssay Juvenile Delinquency5272 Words à |à 22 Pages(Einstein Law, 2008, à ¶1). Up until the 1700s; children were viewed much differently than todayââ¬â¢s youth. They were not given any special treatment or appreciation. During this time an individualââ¬â¢s choice of discipline would now be considered abuse. People in this time had a much different view concerning life. They believed times were difficult, and people needed to be harsh in order to survive. Individuals did not have the luxuries of todayââ¬â¢s world (Rice, 1995). ââ¬Å"For example, the medical practices ofRead MoreCriminal Rehabilitation3452 Words à |à 14 Pagesrighteous. In colonial America, criminals were treated in much the same way as they were in England at that time, with punishments ranging from lashings, confinement in stocks, and public brandings for minor offenses to hanging for more serious crimes-including theft (Wright, 2007). Many people are surprised to learn that the use of prisons as a form of punishment and rehabilitation was an American innovation (Farabee, 2005). On average, incarceration costs about $22,000 per year: to lock someoneRead MoreAlcoholism as a Disability4543 Words à |à 18 PagesOutline Introduction Business Situation Description Analysis with Three Ethical Theories Behavior vs. Disability Negligent Hiring/Retention Government Agency Precedent for punishing alcohol abusers Application of Relevant Law At Will Employment Negligent Hiring Expanded Abuse of Legal System Reasonable Accommodations Home Depot Firing Similar to Blazek Situation Alcohol Policies should Match Practice ADAs Potential Misclassification of Alcoholism Recommendation to Employer Conclusion Read MoreDoes Cedaw Make World Better Place For Women? Essay7028 Words à |à 29 Pagescivilization which comes into various forms and tools to reduce the discriminations. It is struggle of the human race to reach to world where every human being would evolve to his/her full potentiality. Several new nations after attaining independence from colonial powers had accelerated this process in every possible spheres of life, provided equal political, educational ,work etc rights to all irrespective of race, gender, age, cast etc, article 14 of the Indian constitution represents the said trend.
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